The new application is the same building that failed to gain approval in 2024 despite an attempt to take the matter to Ontario Divisional Court.  The proposed development stretches from 392 to 412 Wilson Street East.  It includes a plan to move Marr Philippo House from its streetscape location to the back corner of the lot out of sight where a building might more typically build a maintenance shed.  A sad fate for a proud Heritage building.  It is not clear if the 175 yearn old building can even be moved.  The developer was required under a Heritage Permit to provide opinions from engineers with experience in heritage buildings and a signed copy from a firm experienced in moving heritage buildings that a move is possible.  AVHC does not believe this work has been done and provided to the City, but regardless that the fate of Marr Philippo is unknown the City has deemed their application complete.  THE CITY IS SEEKING INPUT  to the staff report and AVHC encourages you to respond.  Comments go to [email protected].  The file number is UHOPA-25-001, the applicant is Wilson St Ancaster Inc.  Please copy [email protected].  Councillor Craig Cassar is on record as supporting leaving Marr Philippo House in place, so AVHC wants to support him with lots of community input.